Get Started: Week 1

Week 1: Breakfast Menu

Kick-start your cleanse with these satisfying meals of detoxifying fruits and vegetables paired with plant-based fat created by Sarah Britton, C.N.P, vegetarian chef and blogger at There is no set menu for each day, so double your favorite recipes to get you through the week.

What to Expect: You may experience detox symptoms such as headache and fatigue during the first few days. It’s your body getting rid of toxins. It’s OK to feel hungry; in fact, Cynthia Sass, R.D., says you want experience about four stomach growls a day.
By the End of the Week: You’ll feel light, energized, clearheaded, and motivated to conquer Week 2. Keep a food journal this week to help you become more mindful of how food affects your life.

Grapefruit, Carrot, and Ginger Juice

Liquids in the morning are easier on your digestive system than solid foods. The carrots in this zesty tonic deliver a blast of immunity-boosting vitamin C and enough fiber to sustain you until your first snack.

Tip: Start a new prebreakfast routine this week. Sip a cup of hot water flavored with a squeeze of lemon to stimulate the liver and release digestive enzymes.

Beet, Apple, and Mint Juice

Antioxidant superstars, red beets contain betalains, compounds that fight inflammation and support your detox by neutralizing toxins and making them water soluble and easily flushed from the body. In one study, beet fiber increased the production of detoxifying enzymes in the liver.

Green Machine Smoothie

Starting the day with this nutrient-dense elixir is a delicious way to charge your system with nutrients. Dark, leafy greens are extremely alkalizing, meaning they foster a more neutral body environment for better functioning enzymes, compared with acid-forming foods like meats and dairy.

Green Juice

Go back to basics with this simple vegetable juice.

Tip: Don’t have a juicer to make Green Juice for breakfast? Make one of these smoothies instead.

Week 1: Lunch Menu

Enjoy any of these delicious recipes for your midday meal during week 1.

Spiced Butternut Squash and Apple Soup

Soup is a smart liquid-meal option that’s also less taxing on your digestive system. Fibrous squash makes this velvety, slightly sweet option satiating. Plus, research shows antioxidant-dense turmeric may boost the liver’s ability to remove chemicals.

Kale Slaw with Carrots and Peppers

This tangy raw slaw is supremely cleansing. The apple cider vinaigrette may help lower cholesterol and blood-glucose levels. Earthy hemp seeds deliver protein and healthy fats. Use them throughout the Plan in salads, soups, and smoothies.

Sweet Potato, Celery, and Apple Salad

This salad, filled with purifying fruits and vegetables, powers both the body and mind.