Reintroduce Wheat (If You Want)

This week, you’ll continue your detox while gradually adding back in certain foods from the restricted list. Today, reintroduce wheat and gluten — but do it slowly. Pay close attention to how you feel right after eating it and hours later.

“Some common symptoms associated with wheat and gluten sensitivity include pain and bloating, diarrhea, even headache,” says naturopathic physician Brooke Kalanick. If you feel great without wheat, feel free to keep it out for the duration of the plan — or for as long as you’d like!

Gradually Reintroduce Foods

Throughout the week, you can also add back in dairy (on Thursday), soy (on Saturday), and coffee (on Sunday), as well as eggs, peanut products, and corn (at your discretion). When you reintroduce a food, note how you feel immediately and hours later. Watch for symptoms like stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, headache, and congestion — even difficulty focusing or an increased heart rate, Kalanick says.

Use this much smaller list as your what-to-skip guidelines for Week 2:

+ Added sugar
+ Processed foods/beverages
+ Alcohol 
+ Fruit juices (a splash is fine, but don’t guzzle OJ — the sugars add up.)