
Whole Living Action Plan 2011, Week 1: Pare Down and Purify

Whole Living Action Plan 2011, Week 1: Pare Down and Purify

Kick Off Your Cleanse

We begin with a gentle, food-based detox designed to go easy on your body in more ways than one. Not only will you be eating a little less than usual (given that you’re cutting out a lot of the junk), you’ll also be easing up on your digestion in the process. “By removing common allergens, you boost nutritional intake and support your digestion,” says naturopathic physician Brooke Kalanick, author of “Ultimate You.”

Our detox recipes for Weeks 1 and 2 were developed by chef Louisa Shaifia, author of “Lucid Food,” and emphasize clean, flavorful ingredients.

Ditch Common Allergens

“These dishes are satisfying and hearty but also gentle on your body,” Shaifia says of her detox meal plan. Mix and match the Week 1 recipes provided here, or make your own using the following elimination guidelines.

Foods to Avoid
+ Added sugar
+ Processed foods or beverages
+ Alcohol
+ Caffeine
+ Wheat/gluten
+ Eggs
+ Dairy
+ Peanut products
+ Fruit juices (very high in sugar)
+ Soy, including soy sauce
+ Corn

Add Mindfulness to Your Meals

Each time you sit down to eat today, take at least 20 minutes to savor your food. Fully experience its flavor, aroma, and texture, chewing slowly and stopping when you’re satisfied but not quite full.

Tune Out

To round out your detox efforts — and give your brain a break — try a partial media fast. Keep your TV switched off, and limit your online time.

Today’s Meal Plan

Each day this week, eat five or six small meals rich in fruit, vegetables, and other complex carbs. Supplement with organic, hormone-free animal protein if you want. A typical meal might be three ounces of protein (the size of a smartphone), 1/4 to 1/2 cup carbs (whole grains, sweet potatoes, or fruit), and unlimited nonstarchy vegetables such as leafy greens. It might also be an apple with 2 teaspoons almond butter or a smoothie.