Stress-Free Holidays

Stress-Free Holidays

Create a Party Banner

Don’t toss that gift wrap and tissue paper in the trash. Instead, use these eco-friendly craft ideas to recycle and reuse it — you’ll help the environment and save money on new supplies.

Cut wrap into triangles, stick them to seam binding, and display them for your New Year’s shindig.

Spruce Up Your Office Supplies

Wrap recycled tin cans to store pencils, pens, and scissors.

Protect Valuables with Shredded Paper

Shred discarded wrapping and tissue paper and use as packaging or shipping material.

Make a Bookmark

Cut a rectangle from an old cereal box and glue it on the wrap. Punch a hole in the top and add a string tassel for extra decoration.

Get Organized by Color

Make decorative box labels out of used wrapping paper, and color-code them by subject.

Frame It and Show It Off

Too pretty to recycle? Hang decorative wrapping paper on the wall for a graphic touch.

Cover Your Books

Wrap your favorite tomes with gift wrap. They’ll be protected from weathering and scratches, and they’ll look pretty on a shelf.

Make Napkin Rings

Cut strips and wrap them around your reusable flatware for your next cookout or dinner party.

Say Thanks

Use leftover pretty prints for greeting and thank-you cards. Simply glue undamaged squares to clean cardboard.

Save Undamaged Wrap for Next Year

Is it salvageable? Iron unripped, untaped paper on low heat, roll it back on the tube, and use it again next year!